Puce (often misspelled as "puse","peuse" or "peuce") is a color that is defined as ranging from reddish-brown to purplish-brown, with the latter being the more widely-accepted definition found in reputable sources. Puce is a shade of red. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) dates the use of "puce" (in couleur puce) from 1787. The first recorded use of puce as a color name was in the 14th century, in the French language.[1] In French, puce means "flea", and the usual coloration of a flea is dark reddish-brown or dark purplish-brown; specifically, it is the color of the belly of a flea.[verification needed] The word originates, through the French puce, from Old French pulce, from Latin pūlic-, pūlex.
Tako kaže wikipedia, ali to nije naš slučaj:
Puce je dugme, gumb, botun... button :)
Iza ovog zanimljivog imena stoje dvije dizajnerice Katarina i Vanja.
One kažu: "Naš zaštitni znak je puce/dugme, i ono se nalazi na svakoj torbici"...
Platnene torbe oslikane bojama za tekstil i ukrašene s pucadi (da, to je množina od puce ;))
Veličina je za sada jedna: 40x40 cm.
Svaka je unikatna, iako se motivi mogu ponavljati, svaku pokušavamo malo drugačije napraviti, barem staviti različite dugmiće :)
Veličina je za sada jedna: 40x40 cm.
Svaka je unikatna, iako se motivi mogu ponavljati, svaku pokušavamo malo drugačije napraviti, barem staviti različite dugmiće :)
Torbe se mogu prati i do 60°C :)
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They are so cute!
OdgovoriIzbrišithese are really cute!!love them!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišigreat idea ;DD
kisses <3
;) Hope you could understand text